Tuesday, September 30, 2008

hye2!! just arrived at alor star!!!

hye there!!! just ariived hihihi....tired lapar and sleepy huhuhu
esk its gonna be raya!! huhuh ...after that final hhuhu lgik sad wuuu wuuu ...
dah laaa sorang ok!!! gtg bye!!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

tag yang sungguh panjang~~~

The rules of the game
1.get posted at the beginning.
2. Each player answers the questions about themselves.
3. At the end of the post the player then tags 5 people and posts their names.
Starting time: 00:29
Name: Mazlina md Zanib
Sisters: xdeeee wuuu~~sisters inlaw banyak!!...kak la , kak anum, kak puts! , kak lyn cutie!!
Brothers: bnyk ade empat!! abgmul!! jan, jet , and amir~~
Shoe size: 7-8
Height: huurm boley laa xde la tinggi sgt...
Where do you live: cheras...
Favourite drinks: ummmmm....caramel machiatto!! hehehe dan air mineral ;P
Favourite breakfast: minum air
Have you ever been on a plane? : yup2!! just 3 months ago...21 hours plus transit kematu bontot!! aahaha
Swam in the ocean: wwwuuuu pernah tu pernah laa time naik banana boat kat PD shira pakse weee:D
Fallen asleep at school: aghagahagah time pagi2 mase memule nk start klas heheh ngantuk !!
Broken someone's heart: aiseeyh sensitip btul soklan nih heheh...klaw ade tuh mintak maaf mintk ampun yea~~
Fell off your chair: pernah2!!! time skolah rendah dulu...sakit smpai terhantuk kat meja org laen hihihi
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: ade laa pade suatu ketika dahulu hehehee:P
Saved e-mails: save.....
What is your room like: macam bilik perdane menteri haaaa yooouuuu agahgaagh~
What's right beside you: air utk di minum~~
What is the last thing you ate: nasik goreng ketam di williams~~yg berharge....RM25 HENGGET!! NAK MAMPOS???!!!
Ever had chicken pox: adeeee time tuh kan.....sume org x nk kawan ngan sayee wwuuuu:'(
Sore throat: yup2!! setiap kali demam
Stitches: blum....tpi kawan sayee teha dah kne sebab die tercut jarik die issshhh ngiluuunyeer~~
Broken nose: waaaah!! saye tak gaduh ngan oraang!!
Do you believe in love at first sight: actually not....kne kenal dlu huhuhu...hati budi die cmne...baik ataw tidaak ...skrg nih org bkn bleyh percaye kaaan??~~
Like picnics: suke2!!! di tepi pantai ....huurm besh tu huhuhu~
Who was/were the last person/people you danced with: myself wuuuu~~~
Last who made you smile: haaaaa~~~sape kah??
You last yelled at: huurm nk ingt balik~~heeh xde kot haax xde mood nk marah org skrg nih huhu
Today, did you:Talk to someone you like: soklan ni macam nk mengoreek jer nih~~hehe:P
Kiss anyone: haaaaa tgk2!!! soklan nih btuuulll laaaa~~heh!!
Get sick: when i ate a lot!!
Talk to an ex: ade lah kengkadang on ym msg huhuhu~~
Miss someone: miissss!!! xkaan laaa x miss hehehe:P
Eat:mkn eskrem bagik gendut dan gendut lgik!!
Best feeling in the world: kluar outing ngan my parents hehehe!!!
Do you sleep with stuffed animals: ha aaah2!!! tido ngan bear yg ecah vaders bgik aaaannndd ngan razlinda bgik alll for my birthday hikhik;)
What's under your bed: HABUK, tilam, bag, kadang2 ade aj the kitten hhihihi:P
Who do you really hate: org munafiq!! hahaa waah alim~~
*Random:Is there a person who is on your mind now: adeeee pastu bile fikir kan mesti ade bawu busuk hahahaabawu macam org tak mandik aghagahagahagaha:))
Do you have any siblings: adeeee 4 org laki2 dan satu org perempuan...
Do you want children: nak2!! bile dah kawin nnti hehehe;)
Do you smile often: slaluuuuu.....bile ngantuk senyum, bile sdeih senyum, bile lapar senyum bile dgr lecturer bgik lectures pun senyum smpai tertido pun senyum ...kiree tido dalam iman lah katekaan....note senyum itu sedekah!!! hehehehehe;P
Do you like your hand-writing: ok la boleyh la tahan.....mcm syok sendiri plak...hihihi~~
Are your toe nails painted: nope...nnti klaw paint jdik x cantik huhuh
Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in: ofcoz la my parents nye ...derang nye katil paling comfortable kot!!
What color shirt are you wearing now: peachy pink !!!loved it ;)
What were you doing at 7:00 p.m. : mandi pagi agahagahagaha;))
Are you a friendly person?: boleyh laa tanye la org2 disekeliling~~
Do you have any pets: ade2!!! aj the kitten tpi...skrg nih die sakit wuuuu hukhuk...
Where is the person you have feelings for right now? : tgk!! soklan nih nk korek rahsia lagik!! hahaha ade laaa~~
Did the last person you held hands with mean anything to you?: sape??? wuuuu~~
Do you sleep with the TV on?: xde lah sgt ...sbb arituh dah kne sound ngan big boss dah hehehe
What are you doing right now? : membuat bnde nih laaaa!!
Have you ever crawled through a window? : fuyooo!! giler adventurous!!
Can you handle the truth? : wuuuUUuuu xleyh...tpi nk bwat cmner kan kne get through laa
Are you too forgiving?: yup2!!...bile dah terkena tuh mmg sakit laaa~~
Are you closer to your mother or father? : both2!!! sbb skrg nih they are all that i have in the whole wide worrldd love yous!!!
Who was the last person you cried in front of?: dpan teha,nad,and zul time micha mati tuh huhu
How many people can you say you've really loved?: mainly my parents and my family~~ i really loved them~~
Do you still have pictures of you & your ex?: hahaaaa!! xleyh gtaw!! bahye!!
Have you ever cried because of something someone said to you?: yup!!! many times...it was along time ago~~ somewhere around 2003 0r 2004 huhu:(
Are you loud or quiet most of the time?: looouddd!!! tpi kan nazlin@angah lgik loud aghagahagah
Are you confident?: if i had my friends and family support by my side yup i can be confident!!
5 things I was doing 10 years ago
-mkn bnyk!!
-suke main basikal ptg2!!
-main rounders ngan kawan2 kat pdg
-kne buli ngan my 4 brothers!!
-suke nangis hihihi;)
5 snacks I enjoy
-biskut oreo
-biskut jacobs ngan nutella!!
-dan telinga tuut tuuuut hihihi:)
5 of my bad habits:
-heheh bgun lambat
-mandi lambat
-mkn banyak
-gedik kaki
-muncung kan mulut macam pingu wahahaa
5 places I have lived in (or WILL live in):
dulu dok melawati
skrg cheras
future?? xtaw lgik...tgk laaa hehehe
5 jobs I've had:
dlu sblum masuk u jdik scretary org ...buat tuh la buat ni laa heheh buat kopi?? xdak!! buat sendiri agahagahgahaa;))
5 people i wanna tag:
sape sape yg teringin buat tag ni laaah okays!! sila2~~ enjoy...hehe:))

Sunday, September 21, 2008

my first post!!! to my new blog!!

hye2 there!! still sleepy ....hahaha this is my first blog everybody!!!....welcome2!! ehehehe:P