Todaayyyyy? waaaaahhhh what a day!!! boleyh plak letrik xdak!!!....xbyr dua bulan kne potong ....xbyr skit kne potong ape tnb nih .....relax laaa~~ sedeyh taw!!!....ok laaa since xde letrik...teha n me pun gi byr....nk pasang balik pun dah plak kne tunggu smpai ptg....huurm...dah la nk buat cucur!!! ....nasib baik la fawzul ngan baik hati nye...memberi kamik menumpang dapur kat umah sewa dia~~kat a3.....hihihi....okays....this is what we have decided!! to sell on our project for this sem~~CUCUR KAK TEHA!!! weeee....the menus...which in the process~~ but we'll give u a sneak peak of what we have done.....during the day weee :D ahaaaaa~~ nice kan ??hurrm....credits to our mr syahir for his gifted talent in photographing...thnk u syahirr!!! hihihi....
anyways pakcik!! check out my cucur hihi!! miss ya anyways!! huhu...