Tuesday, January 13, 2009

cik bawang kne tag oleh syirara!!

List these rules on your blog.
Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog.
Tell 7 unspectacular quirks on yours.
Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs. Link the person who tagged you.
Leave a comment for each blogger.
7 facts about miss bawangs;)

1. bawang is round and chubby

2.bawang likes to laugh alot!

3.bawang is very the wangieeee compared to ordinary bawang

4.bawang loooooveeessss green tea and chocs!!

5.bawang likes to put the name pakcik in her blog weeee;)

6. bawang is comel ok!! {hahaha perasaan}

7.bawang has awesome cute adeks2 and friends!!;)

7 unspectacular quirks....

1. saye suke kacau orang weeee:)

2.saye suke buat org tunggu bile derang ajk kluar heee:D

3.bile saye demam saye kurang btul....rumput pun boleyh jdik cantik;)

4.bile saye rindu seseorang, saye akn kacau kawan2 saye weeee:D

mangse2:teha,fauzul,dan ezartinaa muahaha...

5.saye ni cpat gelabah hehe

6.bile cuti atau xde kelas saye suke mandi lambat meheehe...

7. saye kadang2 boleyh jdik....jengjengjeng

7 people to tagg!!





5.adek mahers



the person who tagg me??

cik sherawwwrrrr!! tgk la friends tu heee:D

comments for the 7tagged bloggers

1.buat tag nih!! asyik mkn cekodok je

2.haaa...asyik ingt ececeeceh je mihaha

3.erfan~dont call me mas cekodok haha

4.bobsy!! buat ini tag!!

5.mahermahermaher nk tempe...

6.ayu sleeping?? hihihi

7.nabb?? where are u???!!!

Monday, January 12, 2009

sharing is caring~~

some said....sharing is caring....

some said its stupid...

when a mother ...says to her children....."share...learn to share, be kind to each other"...

thats what share is all about.....

this when it comes to the dark side of sharing


when people start thinkin its stupid......

when a person share its love with someone else....not with its loved ones

but someone else...ok thats stupid!!

another one~~sharing the love trisome...ok that to me its ridicoulous haha.....but sometimes people does that because they have to...
huhuhu :(....sometimes....it happens with a reason ...only god knows....

but to me~~ huuuuuh cannot laaa

the bright side......


sharing knowledege is good...like where we studying right now....lecturers are giving infos

giving knowledege thats sharing....

sometimes....when ur friends share something.....

gossiping hahaha thats sharing hehe!!!


when it comes to love

sharing becomes a crucial thing....

when one have comitted to share its love to another....

it has to be the same ways goes to the other....

equality makes purrrrrfecto!!

thats the basic to life.....

must be sincere to each other.....

then it comes with honesty,

trust and sharing of love ....

there u have it a nice cool relax fun relationship! hahaha

sharing is caring weeeee:D

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


public sector accounting~~~

this morning ...i woke up.....just have it in my heart...telling me....'maz, u can do this'
argghhhh what am i saying~~` susah kot paper tuh its PUBLIC SECTOR ACCOUNTING....
ape bende tuh hahaha...pening2 dizzy2......
wuuuu....okay dah pkul 8:55.....
masuk jer mph~~dewan yg menentukan what's next in life hahaha...
crik tmpat....dapat la meja yg depan2 tuh teha and fauzul kat blakang2 hahahaa....well good luck guys!!! wuhwwwuhuww.....
bukak je soklan ........haaaaaahhhh!!!!
its a funny story everybody....huhuhu
every question has a discussion on it.....huhuh cmne ni...cmneeee
tgk org dpan~~~ haaaah die dah bantai tido dah ....giler r that guy....
than on the second hour.....
ade foreigner nih plak muntah .....
fuyoooooo!!! ssh sgt ke paper nih smpai nk muntah?? hahahaha....
then...tgh memerah otak utk mengoreng criter yg paling ultimate skali!!
tetibe fauzul kluar ...waaahhh!!! die dah kuar ....wuuuu tkut2 huhu hahah dah x btul dah ...nih effect la nih mihaahiahaia.......

ok....after all that....gi hantar sangeetha!!! balik umah die,huhu then tido smpai mlm:D sbb kiterang dah abih paper!!! dah cuti...weee...tpi kne prepare loorh huhuhmesti supplementary nye lah hahahaa....

hummm anyways that day finally jumpe jugak mr uncle wall-e ngan 3 org mates die haaha....they seems to be interested in my friend there;)~~ouhh i didint mentioned, ain pun ikut jugak tman jumpe uncle thank u ein!! mwahx2....hihihi...sambil tuh gi shopping2 and mkn2 weee:D.....jumpe uncle kjap je huhu...laen kali....nk tangkap gmbr die nk post kat blog laa!! hahaha kasik famous skit hahaa;).......

hummm okies every body i wish u all happy holidays!!!!!! yeah....and good luck with the finals!! mwaaahxx22~~~

this video i dedicated to ya'lll hahaah.... its fun to look at hihihi...
the killers everybody~~enjoy mwahx2 nyte2

Thursday, January 1, 2009

new year~~~

my resolution~~

- to be the YES MAN
- live my life more
-having my family closer
- keep my friends closer~~
-focus on whats more important in life
- find a guy who looks like jimmy fallon hagahgahagaha (just kidding everybody!!)
-think about my self more ....rather think what people said about me