Monday, November 3, 2008

elizabeth town~~

hurm...have u ever heard of elizabeth town?....hihih tgh tgk cter nih kat hbo......huuurm it seems this movie is so sweet hhehehe...its about drew baylor dealing with his failure of his career and the death of his father till he met this this gurl at the plane which is claire by the way...which guide him in enjoying and appriciating life~~this story is sweet!!...nk tawu derang gayut phone smpai pagik smpai derang jumpe kat tebing bukit kat mne tah just to enjoy the scenery when the sun rises up.....that was their first meet huhuhu comeeel2!!!

sthen after that claire tuh sggup x gi hawaii sbb nk tman drew nih uruskan mayat bapak drew huhu she showed him all the things that he should do by enjoying it seriously claire nih best org nye smpai drew terjatuh ati la kat die hihihi...since the death mak drew cant stop her self from learning new things huhu interesting jugak laa this story huhuhu....lastly after the funeral...tht claire has gone away hukhuks sian drew:'(....tpi kan she left him a map...the most interesting map that she made herself...just for drew to find her.....comel giler cter tuh huhuhu...dlm map tuh ade lagu...then tmpat yg he should stop and enjoy him self...things yg claire recon that drew should do that he felt that thing make his life worth while!! followed every detail in that map.....untill die smpai satu tmpat where claire tulis kat situh....'find a gurl with the red hat' die pun crik....untill he met claire finally.....and they live happily ever after wuuuuuuuu soooooooo sweeeeeeeeeettttt~~~!!!!
tgk la cter nih hehehee;).......pakcik tengok taw hihihi!!.....;)

1 comment:

Maherausaurus** said...

haih! tah berapa kali perkataan comel muncul dlm entry neih! haha